I do not believe we were put on this earth to simply work our lives away, riddled with anxiety, fear and exhaustion, and ultimately left with a feeling of inadequacy. And for years, I spent much of my time pursuing things that brought me purpose and growth.

After having kids, I woke up one day and realized that all I had spent years pursuing was gone. I had no clue who I was, or even what I could accomplish, in this new space of motherhood.

I felt disengaged with my life, unable to pursue what once lit me up. When I decided enough was enough, I created steps toward what I deeply desired:

A life of deep connection to my kids and energy to pursue what’s uniquely mine.

I tapped into the 10+ years of coaching experience in the corporate sphere and created my own personal life design.It allowed me to create space and time for myself again. It brought back a feeling of freedom and purpose.

– Elle

My Approach


Wrapping your brain around this new identity of “mom” is perhaps one of the hardest things we do. Here we make space for creativity and clear thought in order to identify how our “self” and “mom” can co-exist.

Harness Emotions for Success

We learn to harness our emotions in order to understand them. The strongest emotions are often times indicators of where our passions lie… or don’t lie.


A favorite quote of mine: “What we pay attention to, and what we give intention to, grows.” This is the foundation of abundant life and a simplified “to-do” list is just the beginning. 


The connection between our physical wellness and our emotions, energy and mindset is undeniable. To function at your highest capacity, there needs to be a focus here as well.

You have found your way here. Now what?

The biggest reason moms feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and helpless is because they deeply want an abundant life, but have no idea how to get there.

I know because that was me!

If you find yourself unable to ignore that voice inside you screaming for more, then let’s do this together.

I’ll walk you through exactly how was able to go from exhausted to exhilarated. 

You deserve a life filled with abundance – a life of purpose, and a deep connection to yourself and your kids.


Don’t wait any longer. Begin today.