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Conversations on creating space to pursue our goals.

3 Simple Ways to Avoid Overwhelm Paralysis

What happens when you find yourself in “overwhelm paralysis?” Perhaps your to-do list was massive or you were tackling a new project and the millions of options for moving forward paralyzed you into inaction.

Can I get an amen?

I like to call this the “too many options shutdown.”

As a working mom, I have been there all too many times and even now I function in this space (in some capacity) 100% of the time. But I think that just comes with motherhood. Even so, a few years ago, I knew there could be a better way to live and at least minimize this terrible feeling.

I knew that I could cultivate some groundedness in my life as well as a certain element of control.

I have been working at this for many years, and in some capacity, I will work at it my entire life but here are 3 simple ways that I have found work wonders to minimize my shutting down when I get overwhelmed.

minimize shutting down when overwhelmed

Build a Strong Offense

You have heard the phrase “a good offense is a good defense” right? So it is in this instance as well. When the feeling of being overwhelmed lasts for weeks or months even, it is almost impossible to function in any capacity other than reactionary. You are a slave to your day and the circumstances within it. You have no say in what happens in your day, you are highly emotional, and even the smallest of inconvenience pushes you over the edge.

Or is this just me?

So what does it mean to build a strong offense? You could think of this as an element of self-care, but more than that it means that you are intentionally building practices into your life that strengthen your mind, body, and spirit. Here are a few things I have used:

Morning Daily Yoga Practice

Monday through Friday I wake up before the sun, open my window and spend 20-30 minutes by myself, moving, breathing, and listening to the birds. This gives my system a chance to ground before the craziness begins.


It’s scary at times and vulnerable to be sure, but a good therapist can guide you in ways you wouldn’t believe. They can open up areas of your life and lead to healing and strength. 


Being honest with yourself in journaling is important. And it offers you a chance to pour your heart out in a safe way. Feel free to argue with yourself, ask questions, and challenge your way of thinking. Consistent journaling can lead to amazing growth and self-realization and a connection with your truth. When you know your truth it’s easier to assess what’s important and what’s not. 

Psst… are you itching for more on how to create a stronger offense? Snag my free audio to learn how to create space in an overwhelming life in order to pursue more of what you love.

Remember what’s important.

As we discussed above, overwhelm comes from too much to do – or too many options. And oftentimes, other peoples’ expectations of you inadvertently sneak their way onto your to-do list. Taking a moment to look at the big picture and assessing what’s truly important vs. what can be placed aside (or crossed off altogether) is important. It may be that some of the expectations of others align with your truth as well. In that case, leave it. Just don’t run yourself into the ground by spending your time and energy on what doesn’t connect with your ultimate goals.


Take baby steps.

There will ultimately be a point in time in which you have integrated the practices above and still completely overwhelmed. You have created an amazing offensive plan, and practiced it for months. You have crossed off all the unnecessary on your to-do list… and it is still massive.

What to do?

You simply need to begin to take steps forward, even if they are baby steps. Cut your to-do list into smaller chunks and just move through it. If it’s your day ahead that is overwhelming you, focus on the next piece rather than looking at it as a whole.

Do you want to know an insider tip that helps me?

Breath: It can be very useful here. With each step, take a deep breath and then dive in. When it’s finished, take another, look to the next, and dive in. Before you know it you will have made some serious progress.

Want to know more about taking baby steps toward your goals? Check out “Goal Success: How to Stay the Course.”

I hope that this list has given you some simple practices to incorporate into your life! Do understand that these need to be practiced regularly to work. Just take it one day at a time. I believe in you.

All my love and support,

❤️️ Elle

About Me

I help people with a desire to grow discover their passion and build the life of their dreams. Because, I believe it's not enough to simply live, but to find a way to live with unrelenting passion and a joy that withstands even the darkest of days.