The Blog

Conversations on creating space to pursue our goals.

How to Know You’re Doing “Mom-Life” the Right Way

When do you know you are doing mom-life the right way?

I was putting my daughter down for a nap today, and she asked if we were going to hang after nap. Sundays are usually my day to work on my business while my husband spends quality time with the kiddos. Saturdays are my day.

I told her I was so sorry, but that I had to work. It crushes me a little inside every time I have to say this. And then she asked, “are you building something?”

This question stopped me in my tracks.

Why, yes, Lucy. I am building something. I am building a business that will change the lives of moms around me.

They will remember they are worthy of abundance.

They will direct their own lives to create space for the pursuit of their goals and deep engagement with their kids.

Their example will instill confidence in the next generation.

meditation to be a happier mom

Honestly, I have no idea where she heard me say that I was building something (even though I say it all the time). And being that she is only 2 1/2, I’m not even sure if she knew what she was asking. Even so, there is an instinct in kids that is undeniable.

They watch us with eyes and ears ready to soak up every piece of wisdom we have. They look to us for guidance and examples of who they should be in this world.

And I don’t know about you, but that is a pretty big ask.

But, that is why I started out asking how you knew you were doing this mom-life thing the right way. Unless you have one of those moments like I did with Lucy, there are a few questions you can ask yourself that would give you a pretty strong “beat” on the answer to that question.


Three ways to know you are doing “mom-life” the right way

Begin with asking yourself what it would look like to be a mom who is doing it right. This answer should be 100% based on your own design, not based on the expectations of others, or society. It will also depend greatly on the age of your kids.

For me, this looks quite simple: I want them to be kind to others, listen with respect, strong, and helpful.

Now, at the ages of 2 1/2 and (almost) 4, this shows through things like saying please when they ask for something, apologizing when they hurt a friend, and learning to calm themselves when they are upset.

Once you have established this baseline, ask yourself how you instill these qualities in your children. Do you speak to them about what it means to be kind? Do you demonstrate strength in your own life? Are you respectful of their mother or father?

If the answer to those questions is yes, look for evidence. Kids show these qualities in small ways and you must be intentional as to where you see them. The busyness of your day may hide many of these moments if you aren’t careful.

For me, I want my kids to see me as an example of kindness, strength, respect, and courage. And when I see them demonstrating the same, I know I am doing it right.


Love and support,

❤️️ Elle

About Me

I help people with a desire to grow discover their passion and build the life of their dreams. Because, I believe it's not enough to simply live, but to find a way to live with unrelenting passion and a joy that withstands even the darkest of days.